Episode 1 - 2 (RAW)
The story revolves around an idol named Honami Aihara, who develops a strong admiration for Kazuya, considering him as a her onii-san. However, things take an unexpected turn when Kazuya discovers that the apartment manager, who has been secretly supporting him, is none other than his favorite idol, Honami!. One day, Kazuya accidentally witnesses a shocking scene that confuses yet excites him. He catches her engaging in an segs act while using a photo of him. What follows is an intense and passionate encounter. Honami, unable to contain her own yearnings, succumbs to her desires and yearns for more. Kazuya finds himself unable to resist her, and they engage in segs acts that leave Honami in a state of blissful.
Type: OVA Aired: Aug 30, 2024 to ? Producers: Pink Pineapple Studios: Seven Source: Visual novel